Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Angry Atheist is angry

O hai interwebs
So today was interesting. Got up after hitting the snooze for about 40 minutes, got breakfast, packed my running crew cloths and headed out for acting. I had to do my skit today which involved about 10 lines back and forth, A being a stuck-up and B being royally pissed at A and thus leaving at the end. I’m still mildly worried about this class, simply because I’m not comfortable in front of the stage. I still get a queasy feeling in my stomach whenever I’m on stage in a bright light. Guess I’ve been a techie to long. Still, Shelia said I did a good job and was impressed by my performance. I think the class was a well. Perhaps I won’t fail this class ^_^. Then it was time for the Angry Atheist class. Oy ve. I finally stumped him today. He started going off on how we don’t really think, thus making us no different than animals. Because we spend the majority of the day eating, pooing, sleeping, or in other ways trying to stay alive, we don’t spend much of the day truly thinking/creating. When one person pointed out that we spend much of our lives on the computer writing and composing work, he said that we don’t truly know what is going on, we are simply a computer using another computer. If we understand how a computer works then perhaps we may learn something from it. To me, this is complete and total bull. I asked if we go on that theory, then does that mean that unless you understand how paper and ink are made, how the printing process works, how a book is bound then, and only then, do we learn something from reading? He just looked at me and walked away. I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with him. Much of my life is reliant on faith. I sit on a chair, I have faith that it won’t crumble beneath me. When I use a computer, I don’t have to know how it works to know that it does work. I hit a key, the corresponding letter/command shows up on the screen. I don’t have to know the inner workings of the compute, the wring, how the screen works/why certain things show up/how they show up to appreciate the computer. The same thing goes for God. I don’t know his exact plan for my life is but I know that he knows what he is doing. And that is good enough for me. As long as God has a plan, I can go along with it without having to know exactly how it will work or why it will work or even if it will work. This may be the main issue with the Angry Atheist. He has no faith. Perhaps if he were to learn some then he could relax without being so angry. Oh well. All I can do is pray for him and hope that one day he meets my father. And I have about five feet of bullet proof glass between those two and myself. The main reason I want to see a fight between the two is because dad is the most well informed person on religion I know. The AA is very well informed and gets upset when we don’t know the exact fact or figure. I truly think that dad could give him a run for his money.
After getting out of the AA class without killing him, I went over to LTC and got my self-eval forms, aka, I be dyslexic so I need more text time/use of ze computer for EVERYTHING forms. I have some tests coming up so I need those to prove I’m not faking it. Then I went to the blend and got a peppermint hot chocolate but I think they forgot to add the coco powder… woops. So instead of stereotypical hot chocolate, I got very warm milk, peppermint extract, and whipped cream. It was much more yummy than I thought it would be. Not as good as hot chocolate, but still tasty. Then I got lunch/breakfast (cos I kinda didn’t really eat anything this morning…) but I didn’t eat enough with my pills so I had an upset stomach but I’m all betters now. So I’ve just been chilling in KU from 3:00 because I’m a lazy bum who didn’t want to go back to my room. I’ll probably head back stage after I post this and take a nap until call. The only homework for this weekend is my history of flight paper and to work on my 10 costume designs from the Tempest.
So long interwebs

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Being Human

Opens with JACK (human) and SALLY (zombie) sitting in chairs. SALLY is looking out at the audience and is attached to JACK via leash.

SALLY (aside): Hi, I wish I could introduce myself, but I can’t. You see, I don’t remember my name. I don’t even know how long I’ve been dead. In fact I don’t remember a lot about being human… just random things… I’ve tried to remember as much as I can but it’s just so much work. Before I died I was always worried, worried about everything: looks and being on time and updating facebook but I just don’t find it that important anymore. I remember when the apocalypse first hit, one of my friends updated her facebook saying “OMG zombies attacking the door, BRB”. That was the last I ever heard of her. My memory comes and goes. Sometimes I can recall the exact recipe for my grandma’s devil’s food cake but most of the time I don’t even know what’s going on. Like this guy. (points at Jack) I feel attached to him somehow. I’m not quite sure why. I know he’s important but I don’t know why.

JACK (aside): this is Sally. She’s dead. She has been a zombie for 4 weeks, five days, 12 hours and 54 minutes. Not that I’m counting. You see, we started dating just after the apocalypse hit but I don’t feel I can break it off. You don’t just break up with someone when they get cancer. Is being a zombie any different? I mean, things have gotten a lot easier for her I guess… she doesn’t have to worry about staying in shape, or finding food, or living to the next day, or battle tactics, or running out of ammo. All she does is shuffle and moan and try to attack people for their vital organs. But I know. I just KNOW that she’s still in there and she still thinks and that the Sally I’ve been dating for two years is alive. But it’s just so HARD! Before all she wanted was to know the world was safe. Now all I think she wants are brains. But every night before I go to be I gaze into her into her cataract-covered eyes and I see a glimmer of the old Sally. And then she usually tries to bite my face off.

SALLY (aside): It’s hard not giving into temptation. He just gets so close to me. And he smells so good. And…

They start to lean in for what looks like a kiss when SALLY snaps at JACK, trying to bite HIM. JACK retaliates with a squirt gun to the face

SALLY (aside): then he does that. Sometimes I just sit and think for days. I mean, what else do I have to do? He won’t let me leave his side to hunt. He brings me food which is always a plus. But because I can’t do anything, I just gaze at the burning city and I start to think. Am I really dead? How can a soulless corpse walk around and think and talk? Is my soul trapped in this rotting cage of flesh and bones or have our bodies been taken over by some H1Z1 from hell? And if I never really died and am just sick then have I been murdering people for the last two years? Or have I just been sending the undead back to their graves? And then I realize something profound. Something earth shattering. Something that makes me rethink everything. My watch makes a Tinkerbell light on the ceiling. This amuses me for days.

JACK (aside): she just sits there. Playing with her watch. This is how I know she’s still in there. Then I decide something. I wanna take her home to mom and dad. Just because she’s a rotting corpse is no excuse not to introduce the love of my life to the parents. They never approved of any of the girls I brought home who were alive; maybe they’ll change their minds now that one that’s dead.

JACK comes over with a wet wipe and tries to clean the blood off of SALLY. She starts to attack HIM until she realizes who HE is. JACK gives HER an arm to chew on to distract HER.

JACK: so… that was a disaster. I’m sorry I took you to them. I thought they were more liberal than that, I never imagined they would ask you if you had ever tried not being a zombie. Or why you were so obsessed with brains. Or the fact that dad would start hitting on you. Grandma told me she was happy about the fact that I finally found a girl who wanted me for my brain instead of my body. I don’t think she quite gets what’s going on. I just don’t understand why they can’t accept us. Mom always pointed out that she was friends with a mixed couple growing up and how are we any different? Dad tried to say we would never last, that you would end up killing me before we could ever get married and to get my mind out of the graveyard. Mom then pointed out that we could never have kids. What’s wrong with not having kids? I then pointed out that every relationship has its problems. Some face infidelity, some have money problems, others fight, I have a very sweet girl who happens to want to crack my skull like a coconut and scoop out my B-R-A-I-N-S. This is just a rough patch in our relationship. Everyone has them, we can get through it.

SALLY (aside): talking to that strange man made me realize something. I really don’t mind being dead. I’m just sad that I’ll never reach his age. I doubt that I’ll ever get to see Jack bald or my hair turn gray. I was looking forward to that. Kids are out of the question now. I know that Jack said that kids don’t matter but they do. They really do. Growing up, I was bombarded by images of babies and the notion that it was my goal in life to find a good guy, marry him, and have kids. I’m a liberated woman and I know that I don’t have to, but I always wanted to. But that will never happen. I can never get married. This is the guy of my dreams, my life, well afterlife, and I want to spend the rest of my existence with him. He just feels safe. And I’ve started to be able to control my urges around him. I only want to kill him about once a day, which is a great improvement. Who knows, what we have now is nice. It’s simple. It can work. But I want to think about the future. I know it’s unusual to hear the word future out of the lips of a dead girl, but I know what I want in life now. I want to spend the rest of it with Jack. Even if that means becoming a vegetarian, I’ll do it. Throws away the arm. People do crazy things when they are in love.

JACK: Sally, SALLY! Sweetie, look at me. Listen to what I just found. They legalized zombie/human mirage in Texas. I know we’ve only know each other for two years, but I want to ask you something very important. Sally, can you understand me?

SALLY: Yyyeeesss

JACK: You can?! Great! Well, what I’m trying to say is that everything warps when your girlfriend is a corpse, so, I guess now is as good a time to ask. Sally, will you spend your afterlife with me?

Sally: yyeeesss

JACK embraces SALLY and helps HER to HER feet.

SALLY: (aside) the more time I spend with him, the more human I feel. It doesn’t matter what I am, I just know I’m in love. I know my future is the most stable thing out there. And I know another thing. If I’m going veggie, I want one last meal. I think you’ll do.

SALLY attacks the audience, JACK tries to hold her back.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So I just started this one… I’ll probably just update this at the same time as my LJ. But for now, tis time for bed. And by bed I mean reading more for history of aviation